Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Scientific Application Analysis and Experiments

Participants : Olivier Aumage, Denis Barthou, Andres Charif-Rubial, François Tessier, Ludovic Stordeur.

  • Within the context of the ANR ProHMPT project, we contributed a thorough analysis of hot spots, data structure usages and locality issues in memory accesses of an aerodynamics application from partner CEA CESTA.

  • In accordance with these results, a new version of this application has been written by the CESTA Team with redesigned, locality-friendly data structures and simplified loop scheme. This new version perfoms much better than the previous one on both 2D and 3D cases.

  • We also conducted tests about the port of selected kernels of this application on accelerated hetereogeneous platforms. The results of these tests were desappointing with the first version of the application due to the layout of the main data structures that led to a lot of memory transfers between the central memory and the accelerated memory.

  • We are now working on conducting these experiments with the redesigned version of the application whose new data structures should dramatically reduce the amount of data transfers.